2022 Annual General Meeting
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2022 Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

2022 Annual General Meeting

Join us on Tuesday 25th October to celebrate another year!


On behalf of the Camperdown & District Community House Committee of management, you are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM), we would be thrilled if you could join us.

This year our AGM will be held at 2.30pm Tuesday 25th October.

Our guest speaker this year is yet to be confirmed, but we have a couple of prospective speakers in the mix that are very exciting and we look forward to announcing who it will be very soon. The formal AGM proceedings commencing at the conclusion of the presentation/talk. Afternoon tea and light refreshments will be provided following the conclusion of the meeting.

Every member of the Community House, members of the Camperdown & district community and anyone interested in our organisation are welcome to come along, so please feel free to extend this invitation to anyone you think would be interested in joining us too.

The Camperdown & District Community House is a not for profit community organisation, with a diversity of activities, services and community events. Every member of our community is welcome and encouraged to participate and share in the building and ongoing evolution of this community asset so it continues to be a community space that is representative of our vibrant and diverse community, fosters connection, lifelong learning, and contributes towards our community wellbeing, resilience and quality of life. We have some exciting projects that we are working on in the next year, which opens up even more opportunities to get involved.

The Community House is an independently incorporated association, and as such the Committee of Management is essential in ensuring the community house fulfills our role for the community, our obligations under our constitution and with our funding partners. The Committee is responsible for the strategic overview and planning of the organisation, and an exciting opportunity for anyone who wishes to be involved in creating future planning and opportunities.

Committee of Management positions declared vacant at the AGM

Camperdown and District Community House’s constitution was changed to stagger elections, with each committee position being held for two years. This way the level of continuity is ensured from year to year, with only half of the committee potentially changing at each Annual General Meeting.

Positions vacant at 2022 AGM:

Chair Person held by Belinda Rowbottom 2020-2022

General Committee held by Kay Devlin 2020-2022

General Committee held by Isha Paasse 2021-2022

Download the printable nomination form.

RSVPs and Nominations

All Community House Members are eligible to nominate for the Committee of Management. Nomination slips can be collected from the Community House during our open hours, alternatively, one can be sent to you via email or post by request. Nominations must be provided before the AGM commences, but can be received up until, and on the day of, the AGM.

Please contact the Camperdown & District Community House on office@camperdownch.com.au or 5593 1403, or visit us between 9am-4.30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or between 9am-1pm on Fridays.



Annual Membership with the Community House is only $5 and will be due after the AGM.

If you are not currently a member but would like to vote in the AGM or be a nominee for the Committee, you still have until the 25th October to join in order to do so at this year’s AGM.

You can download the printable membership form and return in person or via mail to PO Box 67 Camperdown VIC 3260.

More information

Read our current Strategic Plan and to read about our ongoing activities and services.

For information about the Community House, you can visit our website, recent news or our Facebook page to keep up to date with recent happenings.

Alternatively, contact us on 5593 1403 or pay us a visit anytime during our open hours.

Our Vision

A connected, informed and active community

Our Mission

Creating a safe, friendly, diverse Camperdown and district

We thank everyone who has contributed to the community house and wider community over the last year.

We look forward to seeing you on the 25th  October, if not before!

Here are some pictures of activities and events we have held over the last year!

Camperdown Community House
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Camperdown Community House is a great place for people to come together to socialise, learn new skills and have some fun.