17 Sep Annual General Meeting 2019
All welcome to come and celebrate another wonderful year!
The Camperdown & District Community House Annual General Meeting 2019 will be held at 4.30pm Wednesday 9th October.
It is our pleasure to announce that our guest speaker this year will be Ann Cunningham, who will be speaking on the Bendigo Community Bank from 4.30-5pm.
The formal Annual General Meeting proceedings will start at the conclusion of Ann’s talk. Afternoon tea and light refreshments will be provided following the conclusion of the meeting.
Every member of the Community House and members of the broader Camperdown & district community welcome to come along. Please feel free to extend this invitation to anyone you think would be interested in joining us too.
About Camperdown Community House
We are a not for profit community organisation, with a diversity of activities, services and community events. Every member of our community is welcome and encouraged to participate and share in the building and ongoing evolution of this community asset. This means that the community house continues to be a community space that is representative of our vibrant and diverse community, fosters connection, lifelong learning, and contributes towards our community well-being, resilience and quality of life.
The Community House is an independently incorporated association, and as such the Committee of Management is essential in ensuring the community house fulfills our role for the community, our obligations under our constitution and with our funding partners. The Committee is responsible for the strategic overview and planning of the organisation, and an exciting opportunity for anyone who wishes to be involved in creating future planning and opportunities.
RSVPs and Nominations
All Community House Members are eligible to nominate for the Committee of Management.
Nomination slips can be collected from the Community House during our open hours. If you prefer, we can send one to you via email or post.
Nominations must be provided before the Annual General Meeting starts, but they can be received up until, and on the day of, the AGM.
Please contact us on office@camperdownch.com.au or 5593 1403, or visit us between 9am-4.30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or between 9am-1pm on Fridays.
Membership with the Community House is only $5.
If you are not currently a member but would like to vote in the Annual General Meeting or be a nominee for the Committee, you still have until the 9th October to join.
More information
For information about the Community House, you can view our “What’s On” page and recent news or our Facebook page to keep up to date with recent happenings.
Call us on 5593 1403, or better yet, pop in for a visit!
Our Vision
To connect with, inspire and engage community at all levels.
Our Mission
Camperdown and District Community House aims to provide a safe, friendly meeting place; celebrating diversity and building community through:
Delivering appropriate and accessible programs to the community
Accessing funding for our community to increase participation and support diversity
Acting as a body for planning and project co-ordination to address local identified need
Maintaining an accessible, inclusive, sustainable and proactive house that reflects community need.
We thank all of you for your contribution to, and support of, the community house over the last year, and hope you can come and celebrate with us on the 9th October!
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