09 Jul Camperdown Men’s Shed
We’re looking for more men to get involved with the Camperdown Men’s Shed, which we’re very proud to auspice.
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 12pm, men get together at the showgrounds to socialise, share, create things and work on projects. They would love for more men to get involved.
So what are Men’s Sheds all about
The Camperdown Men’s Shed aims to provide a safe, friendly and healing environment.
Members are able to work on meaningful projects at their own pace, in their own time and in the company of others.
A key focus is to advance the well-being and health of members and to encourage social inclusion.
Men’s Sheds are a place of encouragement for all to take an interest in their own health and well-being.
Good health is also based on many factors and becoming a member of a Men’s Shed gives a person that safe and busy environment where many of these things can be found in an atmosphere of old-fashioned mateship.
You can just come and have a yarn and a cuppa if that is all you’re looking for.
Members of Men’s Sheds come from all walks of life – the bond that unites them is that they are people with time on their hands and they would like to do something meaningful with that time.
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